Bright Stars Program
We have a new and very exciting program at EJS School of Fine Arts called...BRIGHT STARS!
So many children of Surrey, due to financial need, will never be exposed or have the opportunity to receive training in the theatre arts and all the benefits associated with exposure to the Arts. This project will make sure kids are given an opportunity that they would otherwise not receive. Our program is open to kids of all ethnicities, cultures and backgrounds. Exposure to the arts in this forum not only gives students training in acting, singing, dancing and visual arts but the classes themselves have a profound effect in the building self esteem, self confidence, self discipline and give the students and strong sense of self worth. This program is about building kids up through the arts and giving them a creative outlet to inspire and create a positive influence in their lives and in the community.
BRIGHT STAR is designed to give disadvantaged children between the ages of 5-17 years the opportunity to participate in musical theatre, visual arts and dance classes. Students have the opportunity perform in a full stage, musical theatre production. These classes are unique to our school. Students receive 2 hours of training in three separate theatre disciplines (acting, singing & dancing) or 1 hour of visual arts or dance training on a weekly basis. A production performance is held at a Surrey theatre at the end of each term providing an opportunity for them to showcase their accomplishments.
Applications are available April 1st of each year. Applications must include paperwork to verify financial need. Also, a letter of recommendation from supporting professional source that can verfiy and support this application.
If you have a student or know of a student who would like to apply for a space in the BRIGHT STAR Program and would like more information, please contact our office via e-mail: or by phone @ 604-621-9473

Sponsorship Program
Join Our Community
Corporate support is integral to our fundraising and puts your company as a strong Community partner that focuses on the education and development of children in Surrey.
Corporate partners help us grow a strong and creative community that is accessible to everyone. At EJS we are proud of our partnership with various corporations all who are so supportive of our programs, as well as our working relationship with the City of Surrey and the Surrey School District.
Event Sponsorship
Event sponsorship is a perfect way to contribute to EJS while increasing your organization's profile as a strong community supporter. For more information about sponsoring a event please contact the school office at 604 596 4883
Our fundraising events include:
Our Musical Theatre productions in December and June
The Art Gallery Moments and it's Art Auction
Program Support
EJS's quality programs inspire creativity. With the support of corporate, foundation and individual donors we are able to provide children with the highest caliber arts training, regardless of a family's financial situation.
For more information contact our school office 604-621-9473